Most of Competency 5 focuses on basic understanding and usage of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher.
For components 1-3 and 6-8:
1. PUBLISHER - Create a flyer in Publisher to promote a library resource or upcoming library program. If you need any tips to help you, visit
When you've finished, please upload your flyer to our branch's Google Drive account in the Publisher subfolder of the COMPETENCY 5 folder found in the ALL THINGS DIGITAL main folder.
Remember to include the following:
- At
least one graphic that does not contain any watermarks and is
relevant to the resource/program
- The library's logo
2. WORD - Copy and paste the following poem into a Word document:
April Rain Song
by Langston Hughes
Let the rain kiss you
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops
Let the rain sing you a lulllaby
The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk
The rain makes runnning pools in the guttter
The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night
And I love the rain.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops
Let the rain sing you a lulllaby
The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk
The rain makes runnning pools in the guttter
The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night
And I love the rain.
- Change the font for the body of the poem to BOOKMAN OLD STYLE, size 14.
- Change the font for the title of the poem to HARRINGTON, size 26, bold, and any shade of blue.
- Change the line for the author's name to TIMES NEW ROMAN, bold.
- Make the entire poem, including title and author's name CENTERED.
- Use spell check to correct any typos
- Make sure the document has single line spacing.
- Add a graphic to the document that you think is relevant to the poem. Make sure the graphic is under the poem, on the same page, and is also CENTERED.
- Upload your document to Google Drive to the Word subfolder of the COMPETENCY 5 folder found in the ALL THINGS DIGITAL main folder.
If you need any help, please visit
3. POWERPOINT - Create a 3 slide PowerPoint presentation containing the following information:
- slide 1: Your name, job title, and library location with the library's logo
- slide 2: Information about something you really like or really loathe (a book, movie, food, person, anything). Briefly discuss why you feel the way the way you do about this thing. Include a relevant graphic and experiment with font types, sizes, and colors.
- slide 3: Information about things you would like to do this summer. If you don't have anything exciting planned, make something up. Again, add a graphic and have fun with font settings.
Then, upload your presentation to Google Drive to the PowerPoint subfolder of the COMPETENCY 5 folder found in the ALL THINGS DIGITAL main folder.
For help, visit:
4. EXCEL - Create an Excel spreadsheet in landscape using the data from the first week of the May Delivery and Holds calendar (above Carolyn's work station). This spreadsheet should show the number of bins, AM holds, and PM holds for each day of the week. It should also show the total number AND average number of bins, AM holds, and PM holds for each day of the week.
Then, create a pie graph for the bins by highlighting cells A1 through F2, clicking on INSERT and PIE GRAPH under the CHARTS section.
When you're finished, your spreadsheet should look something like this:
click to enlarge
For help, visit
When you're finished, save your spreadsheet as a PDF file and upload the document to Google Drive's Excel subfolder in the COMPETENCY 5 folder.
For component 4, please review the following information Since this information was part of an earlier competency, you have already demonstrated competency and no further measurements are necessary.
For component 5, please visit
and Then, email two things you have learned from watching the video and/or visiting the website to with the subject: ACCESSIBILITY.
For components 9-11, please visit Since we use and change printer settings on a daily basis, no further measurements are necessary.
Once you've finished with these measurements, I will email to you your certificate. If you have any questions, find errors, or need help, please let me know.
Since we're getting close to June, please try to have this competency finished by the end of May. Measurements for Competency 6 will be posted by May 23.
All competencies should be finished by June 4.
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